Fierce Excerpts: Buzzkill.

by | Mar 16, 2015 | Fierce Excerpts

Now Reading | Content Marketing Buzzwords You’ll Hear Way Too Much at SXSW.

I love this little article. How easy is it to get in the habit of using buzzwords that we get comfortable with as marketers. Since when did BuzzWedge become a word, much less a buzzword? And listicle? I’m adding that to my vocabulary. Enjoy this lighthearted little list from Joe Lazauskas:

1. 360-degree

This buzzword is used a lot by agencies, but I have absolutely no idea why they’re so obsessed with sounding like a protractor.

2. Relationship building

Today’s content strategists and consultants basically sound like my 85-year-old Jewish nana, obsessed with saving you from dying alone. Hundreds of professional yentas will be running through 6th Street this weekend trying to convince you that if you stop talking about yourself for a second, you’ll find that special someone and settle down to build an audience. Honestly, they’re right, but the moment their spiel starts to get annoying, wrap a scarf around their head and start singing show tunes from Fiddler on the Roof.

3. Multichannel

At this point, is there anything that doesn’t exist on multiple media channels? I guess the front door to my apartment only exists in reality, but considering all of the Jewish Museum tours that go by, it’s probably been snapped, grammed, and Meerkated by now.

4. Bespoke content

“Bespoke” is the shiny varnish and rear spoiler that 20,000 content marketing startups will slap on their 1989 Honda Civic of an offering this weekend. Listen, if all you can really offer is the same generic brand-safe listicle, it’s not bespoke. And if you hear anyone say the words “bespoke storytelling,” sound the alarm because there’s a sociopath on the loose.

5. Actionable insights

I haven’t taken math or science since high school but nothing makes me feel more like a badass marketing superhero than liberally throwing around the words “data science” and “actionable insights.” I’m taking data-packed insights and turning it into actionable mission-driven decisions and saving the freaking world.

6. Sticky content

Because at the end of the day, we’re hoping to make readers feel kind of gross and like they need to take a shower.

7. Social reach

The greatest scam in content marketing is “social reach”—a fantasy metric that you use  to justify a social media campaign that was way too expensive and didn’t deliver tangible ROI.

8. Hashtag mining

If someone uses these words, there’s a 97 percent chance they’re going to sell you some obscene technology-based social media product that will force you to explain to your boss why you spent $15,000 to know that Dan from Tallahassee used your hashtag seven times.

9. Brand evangelist

10. BuzzWedge

I didn’t know this buzzword was a thing until recently, and it was the first time I was scared to Google a buzzword. What have our lives become?

Something’s buzzing and you wedge yourself into it because you’re a monster and feed off vanity metrics like the souls of the young and innocent.