Fierce Excerpts: An innovative way to pay your parking tickets.

by | Feb 26, 2015 | Fierce Excerpts

Now Reading | If you get a parking fine in Stillwater, you can pay it off by donating food.

Amy Taylor with posted this article the other day, and it got my attention. I love it when people come up with useful, fun, and innovative ways to solve problems. Such a big part of what makes up business today is problem solving and the best problem solving is when the solution can help others. Here is just a small example.

Rather than paying a $15 fine, people can instead take 10 non-perishable food items to Stillwater City Hall for donation to food shelf and emergency support organization Valley Outreach.

Valley Outreach director Tracy Maki told FOX 9 the group was inspired after a “Food for Fines” initiative was launched in Kentucky last year, and the program will coincide with the Minnesota Foodshare March Campaign.

“I think we’re the first city in the state to do this,” she told the Pioneer Press. “It’s creative, forward-thinking and kind of fun.”

Anyone who incurs a parking fine in March will have the slate wiped clean if they donate 10 undamaged, unopened and unexpired food items within the 10 day grace period for paying the fine, otherwise they’ll have to hand over $15.

Rock on, Stillwater.