One lick of the lollipop of mediocrity and you’ll suck forever.

by | Jan 23, 2015 | Branding, Communication

I was reading Austin Kleon’s newsletter today and loved this little bit from one of his posts:

The imagination will not perform until it has been flooded by a vast torrent of reading.

And this little bit from the musings of a 93 year old man, Roger Angell, also in his post:

I’ve also become a blogger, and enjoy the ease and freedom of the form: it’s a bit like making a paper airplane and then watching it take wing below your window.

I get it, Roger. Rock on.


{ I put this quote on the entry wall on purpose in my 16 Boardwalk agency office building so that each of us would have to walk by it every day and be reminded not to let mediocrity rule the day. }