Special Projects | B+B

by | Jun 19, 2015 | Work

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The Fierce team is no stranger to fashion brands. We have created new brands with clients from initial ideas to final approval of actual product samples in the factories of South America. We have created custom plaids and chosen fabrics and leathers in the nooks and crannies of NYC’s fashion houses and photographed and showcased new lines for clients over the years.

It is an exciting category and we love it. Jeanie De Beer was the creative director for this brand. Her amazing eye on set crafted these beautiful images, and Fierce, in collaboration with CBF, crafted the “Wear it like a girl” story to match the attitude of the brand. Jeanie has worked with many retail and mall clients as well crafting entire campaigns from brochures, photoshoots, billboards, POS, banners, web and digital banners—any items needed to showcase the season’s best looks.

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