What’s in a name? Everything.

by | Jan 17, 2015 | Branding, FS+C

I was first introduced to the word fierce from a line in Shakespeare’s A Midsummer Night’s Dream, “Though she be but little, she is fierce.” As a lover of the play itself and of Shakespeare, it resonated with me right away and I claimed it as my own. Over the years, it has become a part of my everyday language and as such, a part of our client’s language and expectations. Just recently I received a wonderful note from a creative partner that said “I hope this week is starting off fast, fierce and furious for you.”

I have studied its origins and meanings and usage in literature across the centuries and I have required myself to live out its best possible attributes. I had it engraved on a pendant that I wear around my neck that keeps the word and its reminders close to my heart.

It has become a part of our very culture and ideology.

As the Fierce people, we are committed to collaboration and as always, to the ever-metamorphic creative process. In the late 1950s, Charles Eames said that only when you get into the problem and the problem becomes clear, can creativity take over. We believe that creativity is then a fierce and magical discipline–one that can visually and verbally express strategic direction. And what drives strategic direction? Research. We are fiercely committed to the power of research. A brand must be visually pleasing and tell a great story—this is a fundamental truth. But the magic that elevates a brand beyond what anyone ever thought possible is born out of asking great questions, insatiable curiosity and excellent research.

Thus the name Fierce Strategy + Creative.

As a company we strive to maintain a fierce desire for creative intelligence, to always remain curious, to cultivate understanding and to continue learning so we can constantly be better for our clients. We strive toward fierce compassion for each other, our clients, our creative partners and our community. And we strive to be fiercely loyal to our clients and to be fierce defenders and supporters of them as individuals, of their vision, their dreams and the brands they work so tirelessly and passionately for every single day.

The mountains, the forest, and the sea, render men savage; they develop the fierce, but yet do not destroy the human. -Victor Hugo

Midsummer Night's Dream

{ I came across this photo tonight in my archives. I was sitting in for a poster concept I had designed while working for Brains on Fire for their client, the Warehouse Theater in Greenville, SC for the upcoming play, A Midsummer’s Night’s Dream. How wonderful that this was the play that eventually led me to discover the word Fierce just a few years later. }