1. Be certain that the ad agency realizes that advertising is only a small portion of marketing. The agency must demonstrate that it knows there are many other marketing weapons and that it is capable of using (or directing the use of) all the appropriate ones in your potential marketing arsenal.
  2. Ascertain that your account will be considered special and deserving of the agency’s top talent. Be sure that you meet and talk to the people who will actually be doing your advertising – creative, media, research, the whole works. See what else the creative people have created. Ask about the results. Avoid agency figureheads and get to know the troops who will be serving on your front line. Is the chemistry right between you? Don’t underestimate the immense power of good chemistry.
  3. Be sure that your agency understands your company’s objectives and considers them reasonable. This understanding will be reflected in the marketing and advertising strategy that the agency creates for you. If it’s missing, look elsewhere.
  4. Check to see that the people who will be working on your account have the right credentials, experience, and attitude. See if they are good listeners. If they haven’t worked on a business just like yours, don’t worry. Just make sure that they understand the critical relationship between profitability and creativity.
  5. Be positive that the people you will work with have a knowledge of your business, an interest in your business, and a knowledge of the competitive situation. If they’ve done their homework by the time they present to you, they’ll have these things. If not, you’re not interested.
  6. Look at the ads and other marketing materials they have created: tag lines, logos, brochures, videos, websites and TV.
  7. The best advertising agencies have grown from the growth of their clients and those clients’ ever-increasing marketing investments. That is a better benchmark than growth coming from new clients. Such agencies are hard to find. But the search will be worth your time.